[gcompris-devel] Release gcompris4.0PRE3

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Oct 14 17:19:18 UTC 2003

Le mar 14/10/2003 à 17:23, rami a écrit :
> > > I can commit the libao bug as solved, then, on bugzilla :-)?
> > Not yet, I'd like to see how it works for others first. Then, let's
> > close it after 4.0PRE4
> OK. Will you do it or will I? I haven't quite figured out yet what my
> responsabilities exatly are in bugzilla, and don't want to step on your
> feet ;-).
I don't know either. I'm glad is you and others take some
responsalilities on gcompris ;)
I would think that the one who has the bug assigned to must close it,
now on the other end, we could say only the QA close it. What's your
preference. We can decide quick, if we don't like the option we choose
we'll change it as quick.

> > > >From what I've tested on my configuration with SuSE 8.2, there is still
> > > a small glitch that reminds of the old gnomecanvas refresh bug.
> > > >From time to time, when coming back to the main menu, all of the icons
> > > at the bottom are not displayed. Most notably the shutdown icon.
> > > However, if you remember where it is, you can click on it to quit
> > > gcompris. I can't reproduce the pattern to get this bug yet. It just
> > > happens after returning to the main menu from time to time.
> > > 
> > Yep, I also observ that from time to time. We could add a bad workaround
> > by binding the key F5 to refresh (or another) ?
> Just a proposition, if it's possible: mapping <ESC> key to quit gcompris
> with a confirmation message? It's the most natural for the users, unless
> it's already taken. Since the default for gcompris is to run in full
> window mode, the first-time users who encouter this problem can be a bit
> puzzled. At least my reflex was to ctrl-alt-F2 and pkill -9 gcompris the
> first time.
The esc=quit option was taken out a long time ago. currently, esc let
you quit the current board or get up a level in the menu, but not quit.
The problem is with young kids. Parents/teachers expect to put their
kids in front of gcompris an leave. Since they won't be able to start
gcompris again, is is bothering if they quit too easy.
Also, little kids who get into a menu quit yes/no won't be able to
understand this.
I first looked at evolution and galeon and they use ctrl-Q to quit. We
could use this and document it in the inline help (ok, implemented).

> It seems that from time to time there's a refresh problem of the bottom
> menu after opening a navigator to view the gcompris documentation, too.
> So implementing a refresh key would be a good idea, too.
OK, I coded that but found that when there is a refresh bug, it means
the internal status of the canvas is wrong and calling refresh doesn't
do it either. I keep this trick to see if it can help others.


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