[gcompris-devel] Generic Reporting tool at classroom level

Bruno Coudoin bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Tue Nov 11 17:55:11 UTC 2003

I can't go in detail through your mail but I agree and I hope we can
again work on this with childsplay. 

Just a note, I just saw a tool called moodss.It's a generic reporting
tool. That needs more study but maybe we could based our report on it.


Le dim 09/11/2003 à 11:34, stasZ a écrit :
> On 2003.11.08 15:15, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> > 
> > As I already mentionned, we need to set up a tool that will help
> > teacher
> > use gcompris in a classroom. Currently, there is no way to to this  
> > and
> > following 10 kids on gcompris is too hard.
> First of all, i've already have a monitor plugin under development
> in childsplay, so all the comments and ideas i make are based on this  
> tool. It
> doesn't much more then login and parsing permissions, yet.
> I will send it as a attachment to Bruno Coudoin because i know
> he has everything installed to run it ;-).
> If any body else wants it, just let me know.
> > Bruno Patin (Yes, another Bruno) proposed to wokd on this.
> > 
> > In this mail, i'll try to give some idea on what we need and some  
> > idea
> > to achieve that.
> > 
> > First, we can easily include in gcompris a call to a sucess/fail
> > recording based on the bonus API. The bonus API is the one a board
> > call
> > when it's a done or a fail. This means, we don't need to change all
> > the
> > boards to do this, just improve the current bonus system.
> You should also consider to put the "raw" result in a XML format
> in a temp file ,which should be cleared at exit, so that there's always
> a possibility for users/teachers to handle the results with there own  
> tools.
> > Then on the end user level we need to be abble to access to the
> > classroom result. A web interface could be fine but its should also
> > work
> > in a 'parent' environment in which a web interface could be too heavy
> > to
> > set up.
> I think its better to send the results by email to avoid all kinds of  
> security
> issues with web servers. Again if the result/report is in
> XML/openoffice format then it could be send as a attachment to any  
> place on
> this world and handled by any application.
> Internally it could also be put in plain text and pasted in the mail  
> body.
> > The interface should answer to the question who did what and when in
> > gcompris.
> > 
> > The system we propose should be independant of gcompris. We should be
> > able to propose kdeedu, childsplay, the python games developpers, and
> > other free school developpers to leverage and integrate it in their
> > own
> > software (I copying the most active developpers I know)
> That's the future (IMHO), it should be as platform independant as  
> possible.
> Also as speed is not a issue, because only when the user logs out/stops  
> the
> tool gets a standarized list/file to handle, so it could perhaps be a  
> stand
> alone apllication.
> > We are facing a problem with login. In some environment, we don't  
> > have
> > a
> > login per user. It could be necessary to create in gcompris a pseudo
> > login (profile) to record the user name.
> The childsplay monitor plugin handles users login and  sets permissions
> based on a rc file, also there's a possibility to put users in groups.
> (the whole idea is based on Linux permissions)
> The monitor plugin also handles the actual login stuff and ask for a  
> name and
> let the child choose a nice icon to create a "name-badge"
> which could be printed out (in the future:-)
> The presents of the monitor plugin changes the workings childsplay, by
> giving control to the monitor (when needed).
> > That's all I have think of. Feel free to discuss the what and how to
> > do
> > this on this list so that Bruno Patin will get most of the  
> > requirement
> > early in the development. If anybody want to join, it's would be
> > great,
> > there is definitly room for others.
> >
> Well, apart from the Gcompris side of things i"ll suggest we combine  
> our
> efforts at much as possible, so hereby i sign up :-)
> Stas Z
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