[gcompris-devel] GCompris I18n and Localisation

Isam Bayazidi isamb at accessme.com.jo
Mon Jul 21 06:45:09 UTC 2003

Bruno Coudoin wrote:

>Welcome aboard ;)
Thank you

>For the documentation related to I18N, there is a note in the README
>file in the root directory.

I saw that already.. I hoped that there is more

>For the money, it is partially implemented, it should be rather easy to
>include a new set of coins in boards/money/<arabic>, then adding a
>struct in src/boards/money_widget.c that defines the matching between
>images and value. And then in money.c, setting a proper exercice by
>difficulties and depending on the locale. When I did it, I assumed
>somebody would want to put dollars after my euros but I am amused to see
>arabic being better supported than US in gcompris ;)
:-) I will add now the Jordanian Dinars, the ones that I need now, but 
it will be a door Operner for more :-) as you want your code to support 
Localization.. I suggest using ISO codes for currencies as a standard.. 
I will create a directory names "jod" for Jordanian Dinar..

So to follow the ISO standard for currency codes, it would be better to 
rename the directory boards/money/euro to eur or EUR
just a suggestions..

>Best would be to create an xml file in boards/money/arabic/values.xml
>that would replace the struct.
>Are you interested in the task, do you have programming knowledge ?
The code seems to be prety simple and organized and nicly structure, and 
it will not be pain to wrk on it :)
I would love to work on this .. this does not seem to be a hard to code. 
Of course I can do C, but I never coded a program that use XML although 
I read about it alot.. so this will be by first XML experience, be easy 
on me :-) I will look into other board codes (that use XML) and see how 
they are done, If you suggest files/ to look at I will be greatful ..

>For the maps (which I call shapes), it is not possible to i18n that. I
>suggest simply to replace those that have not a universal sense by a
>better one. In your example, let's put the star and the moon together
>instead of the star and the tree ;)
>It should make the maintenance easier in the long run.
I was talking about the World Map board.. the one that you can put 
countries on a continant  .. I wanted to add more to it.. maybe put a 
Country map, and ask them to place Cities, or Put the Middle east map, 
and so ..

>In the shapelist type boards, you can enter the edit mode by using the
>'e' key (more info are displayed then). The basic idea is that the edit
>mode let you place items and when you save, the corresponding xml file
>will be created. It is limited because you cannot create the initial xml
>file with your images from within gcompris. You must first create one
>with the correct image, then gcompris helps you to place the items.
>>another thing.. there is those "apple/_pple/a/g/f" strings in the ar.po 
>>.. I translated those, fine.. but in the Work game it is still 
>>displaying the English Strings ..
>Strange, Did you do a make and make install ?
infact .. what I did was msgfmt -o gcompris.mo ar.po .. and then copied 
the gcompres.mo and replaced the one in locale/ar .. I was the KDE and 
Gnome Arabic translation maintainer :-) so I know about these things..

Isam Bayazidi

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