[gcompris-devel] can't build gcompris because of documentation

Marius Andreiana mandreiana at rdslink.ro
Sat Jul 12 05:26:12 UTC 2003

On Lu, 2003-07-07 at 00:30, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> As a workaround, I suggest for now you remove these lines in you
> configure.in and run sh autogen.sh again:
I don't have the CVS version with autogen.sh, so I replaced the french
docs with english ones ( no non-ASCII chars ) and it worked.

> For the real issue, I don't undestand much what's going on. On my
> mandrake, texi2html (version 1.56k) does not work on UTF-8
> What release do you have on redhat ?

Marius Andreiana
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