[gcompris-devel] suse version

Rami rami.aubourg at ifrance.com
Wed Dec 31 01:06:04 UTC 2003

> I've been trying to get python working from source build in the hopes of 
> getting working binary with python and still no luck. Could we swap 
> notes on what we have done so far? I have searched high and low for all 
> the dependencies needed for python:
> *libpython comes with SuSE 8.1 but as 
> /usr/lib/python2.2/config/libpython2.2.a
> *python - 2.2.1 from SuSE,
> *gnome-python-canvas - I cannot find the tar.gz version of this and have 
> not found SuSE rpms, I have installed libgnomecanvas-2.0, 
> gnome-python-2.0, pygnome, and all dependencies but it does not provide 
> this
> *libpython2.2-devel - a package all its own (also provided by python?)
> *python-base - equiv to python? I'm not sure based on searches
> Richard


Sorry for the late reply.
I've tried to build gcompris on SuSE 8.2, too, and when running 
configure, it fails to find the python libraries, even when I make a 
soft link from the gcompris-requested python library name to the 
SuSE-installed python library. The rest works well.
I'll check for gnome-python-canvas and ither libraries on the SuSE 8.2 I 
have at work at noon (at home, I'm under Mandrake 9.1, except that the 
mainboard's out right now :-/).
Did you find anything on rpmfind, with the link Bruno sent you?
Maybe the best place would be to check with the guy(s) ("packman") who 
built the SuSE rpm, and asking him what errors he had, and if he managed 
to get python working. He/they seem(s) more experienced than me for 
building binaries under SuSE ;-).


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