[gcompris-devel] gnome-python-canvas - ?

Richard Boyce boycer at u.washington.edu
Fri Dec 26 13:30:02 UTC 2003


Thanks again,

Bruno Coudoin wrote:

>With this request, I can see some suse packages.
>Hope you will find it there.
>Le ven 26/12/2003 à 08:39, Richard Boyce a écrit :
>>Hi all,
>>I'm trying to get all the dependancies together for the python 
>>developing and have not been able to find a gnome-python-canvas rpm that 
>>is not for Mandrake (I have SuSE 8.1). Is it in gnome-python-1.4.4 (I 
>>have 1.4.2)? If not, could you point me to a tarball?
>>Thanks again,
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Richard Boyce
NLM Predoctoral Fellow
Division of Biomedical and Health Informatics
University of Washington
boycer at u.washington.edu

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