[gcompris-devel] new board

pgeorges pascal.georges1 at free.fr
Fri Sep 6 09:42:04 UTC 2002

Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Pascal, 
> Finaly, after playing with the counter in advanced_colors, I feel I
> would prefer to play whith it with a real counter : the board stops when
> you reach 0. This makes more sense and bring some chalenging exitement
> to do it right in the first place instead of testing all the choices.

Right. I will think of the best way to bail out the player.

> Another request I got during the LSM in bordeaux, is algebra_guesscount
> activity, we should provide some help in case the kid do not find the
> solution.

DEFINITELY NO ! If you provide such help, my children will always use it 
instead of spending a few more minutes to think about a solution (the 
gameboy syndrom).

> There is different approach but one could be to allow X helps depending
> on the level. One help would be an operation or a number is displayed.
> Let me know if you are interested in implementing that.

I agree some levels are a bit difficult, and may request an adult help.


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