[gcompris-devel] Maze plugin enhancements (and cleanup)

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Mon Oct 14 08:16:04 UTC 2002

Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> Le lun 14/10/2002 à 15:13, Christof Petig a écrit :
>>Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>>>As for you question on how/when to set turbo mode on/off, I suggest to
>>>stick to off for level 1 to 3 and after 4 we activate the turbo.
>>>Small kids would be in trouble playing the first level trying to
>>>understand the key mouvement and where tux goes. After 4, there is so
>>>much space and move to do that it make more sense to have turbo.
>>>What do you think ?
>>That's a good idea, but I initially thought about an additional button 
>>to switch it on and off. Tonight I got the idea to simply put the button 
>>  somewhere inside the game canvas but there's not too much space left 
>>in level 3.
>>Is it possible for a game to put additional buttons into the bottom toolbar?
> It is possible to use the configure button. When you start your board
> you can call bar_set(...) to ask for this button to appear.
> Then when clicked, you have a specific entry to add in your board.
> Sory not to be more detailed but I don't have the code here (look at
> menu.c that uses it).
> We try to avoid this because it makes thinks more complex, users are
> either kids or teachers and they like simple thinks.
> To me, doing turbo at level 3 is easier to implement and to use for the
> end user.

To my son (6 years) a button which's icon changes between a bunny and a 
snail would make perfect sense. So adding custom buttons to the main 
toolbar would appeal to me. But if I guess correctly there's no existing 
API for doing this.

Another point is the 3D option: I would like to be able to switch 
between 2D and 3D (once you're lost in the maze the 2D view helps). 
Silently adding a hotkey is not the best way to go.
[Icon: a 3d view versus a 3d view of the labyrinth]

What do you think about custom buttons (which differ from the 
"customize" button)?

PS: I played with the thought of buttons for moving the eye position 
around, nice toy to explore the 3D effect. But I would place them on the 

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