[gcompris-devel] Re: Maze plugin enhancements (and cleanup)

Christof Petig christof at petig-baender.de
Fri Nov 8 03:03:03 UTC 2002

Bruno Coudoin wrote:
>>perhaps a bigger image which is moved up/down, too, might be a good 
>>idea. One can also chose a different scenery for each direction (e.g. 
>>east: raising sun over snowy mountains; south: midday, desert; west: sun 
>>falling into ocean; north: night over a forest). If you like the idea, 
>>I'll draw it. (stopping my enthusiasm)
> Yes, that's an excellent idea. And in the north of course a penguin
> colony ;)

north? penguins live at the south pole. 8-)

[[[[Actually it was an attempt to infiltrate ancient symbolism into 21st 
century's minds. So penguins (which were unknown in ancient Europe) came 
not into my mind.]]]]

>>What about images on the floor? We have a bunch of nice images in 
>>gcompris, we should use them. And it is not _that_ hard to code.
> I though about this but it is more complex is we have to consider view
> angle and position.

right. but I still think it's easily done. If you ignore stretching of 
the images (rotation should be possible with pixbuf, isn't it). I have 
coordinates (a trapezoid of course) to scale the image to (I'd just take 

>>PS: If we have a nice background image, I should make the exit 
>>transparent instead of green (actually it's really easy to code).
>>PPS: My wife said I should draw more of the side walls, because now it 
>>looks like you run too far against the wall.
> I agree with your wife. Perhaps, we should see tux in the 3D mode.
> For the transparency, it works only in the bugged antialiased canvas
> (gcompris -a) or you must replace the green wall by a door in png with
> transparency.

with transparent I meant invisible. You just leave the maze there.

> Have you tried gcompris -a and putting glasses on tux in the drawing
> board ;)

No, not yet ... I'll try.


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