[gcompris-devel] Length of activity

bruno bruno.coudoin at free.fr
Sun Jun 30 16:58:02 UTC 2002

That's a good point. I also saw this on a small doughter of friends that
came home this WE ;)
There is now 6 levels in this game and with smaller blocks.
I hope it is enough for your daughter...

The new code is in the cvs

Le dim 30/06/2002 à 20:40, Ben Armstrong a écrit :
> Hi,
> My daughter, who is four, commented on a particular gcompris screen
> (uncovering the animal pictures square by square):
> daughter> I wish it wouldn't keep on quitting.
>       me> What do you mean, honey?
> daughter> The train keeps coming every single minute.
> I take this as an indication that she thinks that the activity is over too
> soon.  Sometimes she would like to just stay in one screen and keep playing
> until she's tired of it and wants to move on to something else.  I'm not
> sure what kind of control would be best to allow the child to keep playing
> without exiting at the end, but if something like that were added, I'm
> pretty sure my daughter would get more enjoyment out of gcompris.
> Thanks,
> Ben
> -- 
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