[gcompris-devel] translation of gcompris

Immacolata Arenga imma1972 at libero.it
Thu Jun 13 12:42:04 UTC 2002

I discovered gcompris by sheer chance. At first, in the italian 
translation project list someone were looking for somebody to lend the 
voice to gcompris. So I took a look at the game and I was very 
interested. Then I asked if somebody were translating it, because I 
would do it willingly. Finally, I translated the po file that is 
actually on the CVS and now I'm working on the audio part. 
I use gcompris at home and I'd like to do it also at work! ;-)

About the po file creation, I just did:

imma at casa:~/traduzioni/gcompris$ cvs -z3 update -d
imma at casa:~/traduzioni/gcompris$ cd po
imma at casa:~/traduzioni/gcompris/po$ make update-po
make: *** No rule to make target `update-po'.  Stop.
imma at casa:~/traduzioni/gcompris/po$

The problem seems that the Makefile is missing.

If I try to create the Makefile using autoconf in the root directory I 
get this messages:
creating src/boards/Makefile
creating intl/Makefile
sed: can't read ./intl/Makefile.in: No such file or directory
creating po/Makefile.in
sed: can't read ./po/Makefile.in.in: No such file or directory
creating sounds/Makefile
creating docs/Makefile

and, of course, the Makefile isn't created.

A bientôt,

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