[gcompris-devel] [Ann gcompris 1.0.0Pre1

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Thu Jan 17 02:15:12 UTC 2002

Here is what's new:

New buttons. New board : guest count. New animal images.
More sounds.
New configuration window.
New online help system.
New about box.
Many bug fixes.

As always, tgz and rpm are available at

Be carefull of the size, the tgz file is 12.7 MB !!!
The size comes from the sounds files that are all included in the tgz.
If you download the rpm, you also need to download a sound package for
your language (so you save some megs).

I would like to thanks
Renaud Blanchard for the graphics,
Djilali sebihi for the brain new and great intro music
Zohra Coudoin my wife for her voice in french, spanish and english.

Good fun for your children,

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