[gcompris-devel] [Bugs] Porting on Mac os 10.2

Christophe Trophime trophime at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Fri Dec 6 07:36:03 UTC 2002

Just a few words.
I just forget to mention that I try to port gcompris 1.2.1-1.
Then I found out that initializing DATADIRNAME in aclocal.m4
just as for CATOBJEXT solve the DATADIRNAME problem.

However I still have a problem.
Gcompris exits saying that "Can't find the menu board or plugin ..."

I suspect that I can't actually find the plugin library
because I don't get any message about loading the shared libraries.
So I find that:

dlsym(h, "get_bplugin_info) returns NULL.

I guess it will be solved as soon as I will be able to build
the shared library the right way for Mac Os 10.2...

Thank for any help.
Christophe Trophime <trophime at grenoble.cnrs.fr>

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