Mouse usability Re: [gcompris-devel] Re: GCompris

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at
Mon Oct 29 11:38:02 UTC 2001

I understand your point but originally, I wanted child to learn the
correct drag and drop gesture. Originally, gcompris was about learning
how to use a computer.
I also noticed that many proprietary clone of gcompris ;) does not
follow the D&D rule.
I suggest to follow your suggestion on the shapegame code but we should
keep both way. Depending on the board target using shapegame code (like
the scale), we could choose to respect the D&D way.

For the stars, this is smart. Also the child will probably like to play
3 stars at 4 years old ;)
What is we set the 'staring' in the xml board description itself and
then extend the menu board to display the stars.
This way it should be more flexible to maintain (less icon, less

Pascal, do you want to work on that ?

On my side, I still have to finish the smiley API to be time
independent. I found that I will implemented it like I did for the board
help. In fact, on the board side it is the same.


le lun 29-10-2001 à 19:30, pascal.georges1 at a écrit :
> En réponse à Bruno Coudoin <bcoudoin at>:
> > > On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 08:21:41PM +0200, Bruno Coudoin wrote:
> > > > > My daughter's hand is too small to work all of the buttons on the
> > mouse.
> > > > > To her, it's like a Mac:  One big button.
> Usually buttons are the biggest problem for children. Over all they can not drag 
> and drop. So I propose that boards like shapegame be modified in that way :
> - first click -> select piece
> - mouse move -> move the piece
> - second click -> drop piece
> - click in the left pane or in useless places -> unselect piece.
> You can not use drag and drop for children less than 6 I think.
> I also think that a star rank should be associated with every board : 1 star for 
> 3-4, 2 stars for 5-7 and 3 for 8-9 for example. Those stars could displayed aside 
> the board icons.
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