[gcompris-devel] Sound

Bruno Coudoin bcoudoin at anfora.fr
Mon Oct 29 00:46:01 UTC 2001


I agree on all of your suggestions.
Have speaking sounds is something I have dream about but never though it
could be feasible.
Your proposition is smart, it needs still some work to setup.
Beside the play_ogg, we will need to manage properly the list of sounds
and provide some equivallent to po files where a translators can easily
see what's missing. Also from the UI standpoint do we have to default to
english if the translation is not there or say nothing ?

Very interresting sub projet.

Pascal, I won't have time to work on that. Do you thing you can propose


le sam 27-10-2001 à 23:01, pgeorges a écrit :
> I tried to find speech synthesis software for linux, avalaible for
> several languages. I didn't any complete one. There will always be
> missing languages, and adding one is a long and difficult task.
> More over, the synthesised sound is not attractive for a child and even
> for an adult words are not always easily recognized.
> That's why I propose that we use recorded sounds : we all have children
> around us and can then easily record them pronouncing key phrases (not
> all boards need such sounds).
> I propose that ogg vorbis format be used instead of wav to limit size of
> files. Unfortunately, gnome does not support ogg (it seems to be a task
> for bonobo-media, but don't know much about it - at least it is not
> achieved yet).
> If we end up with a lot of files, we can make different optional
> packages avalaible :
> gcompris-core.rpm
> gcompris-french.rpm
> gcompris-english.rpm
> etc.
> So, if you agree, we could start adding an API to play ogg sounds ...
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