[gcompris-devel] Some more feedback...

Herman Bruyninckx Herman.Bruyninckx at mech.kuleuven.ac.be
Wed Oct 24 14:27:07 UTC 2001

- in the Baby Shape Puzzle, the moving pieces disappear behind the
  templates, while I think it's more logical that they move _in front_
  of the templates.
  (Same remark for the shapegame.c)

- I looked for the relevant code in shapegame.c, but didn't really
  find it...
  What I did find where lines such as:
    for(x1=x+26; x1<(x+26)+55*10; x1+=55)
  which are, I guess, utterly prone to generating misunderstandings
  when adapting or extending the code. Isn't it possible to replace
  the `magic numbers' (in many files...) by #defined constants with an
  appropriate name?

- In the draw.c text, there are some small typos: `abble' instead of
  `able'; a period forgotten at the end of the first sentence; ``baseD
  on basic shapes''; delete the last `on' in the last sentence.

- in the Horizontal reading practice: ``"Read a list of wordS...''

- I got some crashes (floating point exception) in the fish game, but
  I have not been able to sort out what the problem is. The crashes
  are not repeatable...


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