[FreeNX-kNX] OpenNX windows x FreeBX RHEL

fernando at lozano.eti.br fernando at lozano.eti.br
Wed Sep 28 12:24:12 UTC 2011


I understad time is limited and appreciate any effort. Please let me explain why OpenNX client for Windows is impportant to me:

1. Most companies I provide IT consulting services do have only windows desktops, so OpenNX currently is unusable to them
2. NoMachines is not developing as open source anymore, I wonder for how long the will keep the freeware client and wheter they'll turn it into adware / crapware
3. Having a full open source solution is nice

If I had the skills to build and contribute myself I would do. But I offer to test, send bug reports, whatever I can do to help once someone provides binaries. And if soneone has hints on how to get debbuging information from fritz binaries at http://www.fritz-elfert.de/downloads/ I'll try.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

> Hi,
> currently I see no benefit in switching from nomachine NX Client for
> Windows to OpenNX Client. On MacOS X Lion this is something different
> because there is currently no working solution from nomachine. Maybe I
> will play around with this client when I have more time left but
> currently my workload doesn't allow having fun with a compiler at a
> windows environment :-(
> Cheers,
> Florian
> 2011/9/26  <fernando at lozano.eti.br>:
> Hi,
> So no one had sucess with the windows binaries for OpenNX built by Fritz? No
> kind soul out there willing to build binaries so I can try? No one here
> cares for windows binaries?
> []s, Fernando Lozano

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