[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX with SSH key authentication fails

Paul van Gerven baloedebruinebeer at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 20:53:05 UTC 2009

I fiddled with FreeNX for a whole weekend, but I cannot get it set up the
way I want. I can either setup SSH to exclusively accept keys as an
authentication method, but then FreeNX will not login, or I tell SSH to
accept password authentication, in which case FreeNX does work. The latter
situation is fine on a LAN behind a router, but obviously not safe when the
server is exposed to internet.

Here's what I did to get to the latter situation:
1) Install a OpenSSH server on Ubuntu Jaunty and left the configuration at
2) Install the FreeNX from the repo on launchpad and ran /usr/lib/nx/nxsetup
--install. I opted for the default keys.
3) During step 2, FreeNX asks me to add

AuthorizedKeysFile /var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh/authorized_keys2 and
PasswordAuthentication yes

to sshd_config, and I did.

Can someone walk me through the steps I need to take next to disable
password authentication again, and tell SSH to authenticate only with keys I
generate myself, while keeping FreeNX functional?

If I properly set up SSH first, i.e. to exclusively use keys I generated
myself, and then install FreeNX, the client from NoMachine gives an
authentication failed message.

Other than this minor problem (for a newbie like me) FreeNX is impressive.
It is so much faster than VNC!
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