[FreeNX-kNX] Multiple connections to different freenx servicers from NX client possible?

Les Mikesell lesmikesell at gmail.com
Tue Jun 23 16:29:13 UTC 2009

Is there a way to make the freenx server use a different default display 
number?    I'd like to have multiple NX displays (to different servers) 
connected from a single client but if both are the only connection to 
the respective hosts the 2nd will fail with a 'port 11000 in use' error. 
  An ugly work-around is to start a connection as a different user from 
a different machine to tie up the default display while making the 2nd 
connection from the machine where you really want the screen.   I think 
the NX server bumps the display number on every connection so you'd get 
one failed attempt on a client with a port conflict, then the next 
attempt would work.

  Les Mikesell
    lesmikesell at gmail.com

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