[FreeNX-kNX] Special Keys in Keypad

Daniel Spannbauer ds at marco.de
Tue Jan 20 13:11:26 UTC 2009


for our Editor we need some Special Keys on the Key-Pad (the old 
VT100-Style I think).

So I write a File for Xmodmap wich should change the key-settings (a 
similar file works on our normal SuSE-10.2-System).

I wrote a line "keycode  80 = KP_8 Up".
I load this file with xmodmap.
In xev there is a "up" when I'm in nx, on our unix-System theres a KP_8.
With shift + Keypad-8 in NX there is a KP_8 and on the Unix-System there 
is a "up".

Another line: "keycode  86 = KP_Subtract KP_Separator"

On NX theres always a "KP_Subtract", doesn't matter if with shift or 
without shift. On our system the effect is as expected.

Can anybody tell my why there is this strange behaviour?



Daniel Spannbauer                         Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH  Tel   +49 8333 9233-27 Fax -11
Rechbergstr. 4 - 6, D 87727 Babenhausen   Mobil +49 171 4033220
http://www.marco.de/                      Email ds at marco.de
Geschäftsführer Martin Reuter             HRB 171775 Amtsgericht München

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