[FreeNX-kNX] load balancing question(s)

Matt Nicholson sjoeboo at sjoeboo.com
Thu Feb 5 15:34:57 UTC 2009

Correct, I have, right now, the following:

Access01 => Load Balances to Access02,03 (and itself)

Access02,03 => Forward Connections to Access01, so that any direct connects
get re-roued via the load balancer, and also to get the right session info.

Now, when I connect to 01, it all seems to go well, and if it load balances
to itself, I get a session just fine. However, if it tried to load balance
to the other 2 hosts, I basically times out. I see nothing on 02,03 in
nxserver.log, but in my /var/log/secure, I can see my user getting

If i connect to access02 or 03, it forwards the connection to 01, which load
balances, and, once again, if it load balances to itself, works fine, but to
the other 2 hosts, it just hangs (client says negotiating link parameters
for a few minutes, then timesout.).

Any particular ports/firewall openings I need to know about? I was assuming
this was all over ssh.

I feel like I'm so close, but so far away! Any help would be great!

Matthew Nicholson
nicholson at eps.harvard.edu
Harvard University
FAS IT Research Computing
Dept. Of Earth and Planetary Science

On Thu, Feb 5, 2009 at 9:40 AM, Clive Eisen <clive at hildebrand.co.uk> wrote:

> >
> > I can't figure out what the problem might be. All systems are
> > identical (hardware, software, NX versions, etc), and all of them
> > work if i connect directly (after load balancing/forwarding has been
> > disabled, of course).
> >
> > Also (and this is secondary), as I understood the Forwarding part, I
> > should be able to connect to one of these (02 and 03) systems, and
> > they will forward me back to 01, where i get load balanced, and then
> > sent along back to one of them for a "real" session. Is this right,
> > or an I mistaken?
> >
> You are AIUI mistaken
> You can't mix direct and load balanced connections
> Always connect to host0
> Load balance from there to
> host1-hostxxx
> At least that's what I do and it works fine - and indeed it breaks if
> someone 'nxs' direct to a host.
> It may be that host0 can also be in the list - I haven't tried as I
> dont want/need that
> At least this is my experience.
> --
> Clive
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