[FreeNX-kNX] Free NX desktop shadowing not working with SSHD publickey authentication
André M. de Roos
Andre.de.Roos at inter.nl.net
Tue Feb 3 10:18:32 UTC 2009
I have a problem with desktop shadowing on my Free NX server machine in case
this machine only allows authentication via a publickey.
My server platform is Ubuntu intrepid with the latest version of the Free NX
server that is available in the repositories of the freenx team. I can
successfully open a NX session (using NoMachine's nxclient) on my server as
well as shadow the current desktop on the server as long as the sshd daemon on
the server allows authentication via a password. So everything I want to do
seems to work in this setting. However, for security reasons I wanted to allow
access to my server machine exclusively on the basis of a publickey and hence
prohibit access using a password. Setting up my sshd daemon in this way I can
still open a new NX session on my server if I enable the USERDB authentication
in the configuration file /etc/nxserver/node.conf. However, desktop shadow
stops working in this case. The nxclient successfully logs in and opens the
dialog window listing two sessions to attach to. When I press "Attach" it
seems to go through all the steps that are necessary (requesting
authorization, setting display parameters), but the client never opens a
window with the shadowed desktop. I attach the runlog of such a session, which
shows that a closing event is received, but it is unclear where this comes
Any ideas?
Best regards,
André M. de Roos
Park Arenberg 40A, 3731 ET De Bilt
Tel. 030-2200991/06-53978960
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[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to '/usr/NX'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to '/home/andre/.nx'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to '/home/andre'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Starting font debug
Fixed font was set to: 'Courier' size: '8'
And the result is: 'Courier [Adobe]'
Not using default system font
Trying preset families
Found family 'DejaVu Sans'
Found size '9'
Font was set to: 'DejaVu Sans'
And the result is: 'DejaVu Sans'
End of font debug
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Starting NX Client version 3.3.0-6
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: qtrc: useXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: useXft is set to true
qtrc: enableXft read=1 value=1
qtrc: enableXft is set to true
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Initializing the login dialog.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Config File Name set to: '/home/andre/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: System NX dir set to: '/usr/NX'.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Personal NX dir set to: '/home/andre/.nx'.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: creating SessionSettings=''
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: LoginDialog::loadConfigFiles - number of entries in config dir: 6
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: ComboSession::insertSession: 'AMdR-Server (Local)' -> '/home/andre/.nx/config/AMdR-Server (Local).nxs'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'AMdR-Server (Local)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: SessionSettings::loadFromFile('/home/andre/.nx/config/AMdR-Server (Local).nxs')
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: ComboSession::insertSession: 'AMdR-server (Outside)' -> '/home/andre/.nx/config/AMdR-server (Outside).nxs'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'AMdR-server (Outside)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: SessionSettings::loadFromFile('/home/andre/.nx/config/AMdR-server (Outside).nxs')
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: ComboSession::insertSession: 'RDP on AMdR (Local)' -> '/home/andre/.nx/config/RDP on AMdR (Local).nxs'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'RDP on AMdR (Local)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: SessionSettings::loadFromFile('/home/andre/.nx/config/RDP on AMdR (Local).nxs')
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient' -> '/home/andre/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: ComboSession::setCurrentSession: 'RDP on AMdR (Local)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: SessionSettings::loadFromFile('/home/andre/.nx/config/RDP on AMdR (Local).nxs')
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: LoginDialog: slotChangeSession [RDP on AMdR (Local)]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Settings::flush
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Settings::flush
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: LoginDialog: loadUserAndPassword
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to '/home/andre'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to '/home/andre/.nx'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to '/usr/NX'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CLIENT' to '/usr/NX/bin/nxclient'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable with value [/tmp/.gdmN7RKOU].
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Utility::getXAuthorityFilePath: /tmp/.gdmN7RKOU
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'XAUTHORITY' to '/tmp/.gdmN7RKOU'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'HOME' to '/home/andre'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'PATH' to '/home/andre/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/NX/bin:/usr/X/bin'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_VERSION' to '3.3.0'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: NXService::run: params [--cleanup]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: NXSession: getPidFromFile
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: NXSession: getPidFromFile - parsing session file: [Info: Proxy running in client mode with pid '839'.]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: Display running with pid=[839] and handler=[]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: NXSession: getPidFromFile - got pid: [839]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: NXSession: getPidFromFile - parsing finished pid: [839]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: NXSession: getPidFromFile returning [839]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:25 2009]: SessionPid != 0 sending sigcont
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: LoginDialog: login setupGui 1
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_HOME' to '/home/andre'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_ROOT' to '/home/andre/.nx'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_SYSTEM' to '/usr/NX'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_CLIENT' to '/usr/NX/bin/nxclient'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable with value [/tmp/.gdmN7RKOU].
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Utility::getXAuthorityFilePath: /tmp/.gdmN7RKOU
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'XAUTHORITY' to '/tmp/.gdmN7RKOU'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'HOME' to '/home/andre'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'PATH' to '/home/andre/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/NX/bin:/usr/X/bin:/usr/NX/bin:/usr/X/bin'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'TEMP' to '/tmp'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'NX_VERSION' to '3.3.0'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Trying to write the ssh key into [/home/andre/.nx/temp/873/keylog]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: SSH key file path [/home/andre/.nx/temp/873/keylog]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Running nxssh protocol with version [3.3.0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: LoginDialog: startProgressTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[240] str=[Setting up the environment] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Setting up the environment]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: LoginDialog: startProgressTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Showing progress dialog: Setting up the environment
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Going to get the X authorization cookie on display.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Trying the XAUTHORITY environment variable with value [/tmp/.gdmN7RKOU].
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Running command [xauth -f /tmp/.gdmN7RKOU nextract - :0.0 | cut -f 9 -d ' ' 1>"/home/andre/.nx/temp/873/authlog" 2>/dev/null].
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Command run.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Got or created the X authorization cookie.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to ''
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Setting environment variable 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' to '/usr/NX/lib'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[241] str=[Connecting to] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Connecting to]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: LoginDialog::connectHost() nxsshline=/usr/NX/bin/nxssh -nx -p 5861 -i /home/andre/.nx/temp/873/keylog nx at -x -2 -4 -o RhostsAuthentication no -o PasswordAuthentication no -o RSAAuthentication no -o RhostsRSAAuthentication no -o PubkeyAuthentication yes -B -E
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Using NX_STDIN flag redirection for [nxssh] process
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Using NX_STDOUT flag redirection for [nxssh] process
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Using NX_STDERR flag redirection for [nxssh] process
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: SpawnProcess method has returned [1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Process [nxssh] running with pid [882]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 203 NXSSH running with pid: 882] with code [203]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received code[203]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: NXProtocol: trying to read ssh pid from '882' - read '882'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 285 Enabling check on switch command] with code [285]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received code[285]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 285 Enabling skip of SSH config files] with code [285]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received code[285]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 285 Setting the preferred NX options] with code [285]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received code[285]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 200 Connected to address: on port: 5861] with code [200]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received code[200]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 202 Authenticating user: nx] with code [202]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: Received code[202]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[242] str=[Connected to] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:30 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Connected to]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:44 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 208 Using auth method: publickey] with code [208]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:44 2009]: Received code[208]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [HELLO NXSERVER - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.3.0)] with code [1000]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[1000]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [hello NXCLIENT - Version 3.2.0] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 134 Accepted protocol: 3.2.0] with code [134]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[134]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105 SET SHELL_MODE SHELL] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105 SET AUTH_MODE PASSWORD] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105 login] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 101 User:] with code [101]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[101]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[243] str=[Waiting authentication] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Waiting authentication]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [andre] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 102 Password:] with code [102]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[102]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:45 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 103 Welcome to: AMdR-Server user: andre] with code [103]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: Received code[103]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[244] str=[Authentication completed] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Authentication completed]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: Settings::flush
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: Settings::flush
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: LoginDialog: runningInExistingProxy called
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: LoginDialog: customUnixSession is [0], virtualDesktop is [0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: LoginDialog: runningInExistingProxy returns sessionID = []
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:46 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [listsession --type="shadow"] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 127 Sessions list of user '.*' for reconnect:] with code [127]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[127]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[285] str=[Downloading the session information] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Downloading the session information]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen Status Session Name] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [0 Local FC7DEB5BF692C4414809F1FE8B640053 -------- Running X0 (Local)] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [0 Local C4DCEED9266B1103EEB73A9F1808D055 -------- Running X0 (Local)] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: .*] with code [148]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[148]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Session initialized with: type='Local' sessionID='FC7DEB5BF692C4414809F1FE8B640053' services='--------' depth='' screenSize='' available='Running' name='X0 (Local)' username='(null)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Session initialized with: type='Local' sessionID='C4DCEED9266B1103EEB73A9F1808D055' services='--------' depth='' screenSize='' available='Running' name='X0 (Local)' username='(null)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: LoginDialog: runningInExistingProxy called
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: LoginDialog: customUnixSession is [0], virtualDesktop is [0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: LoginDialog: runningInExistingProxy returns sessionID = []
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Showing the Available sessions list
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Returned to the calling process
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Session initialized with: type='Local' sessionID='FC7DEB5BF692C4414809F1FE8B640053' services='--------' depth='' screenSize='' available='Running' name='X0 (Local)' username='(null)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Session initialized with: type='Local' sessionID='C4DCEED9266B1103EEB73A9F1808D055' services='--------' depth='' screenSize='' available='Running' name='X0 (Local)' username='(null)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: UpdateList sessions number [2]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [listsession --type="shadow"] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 127 Sessions list of user '.*' for reconnect:] with code [127]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[127]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [Display Type Session ID Options Depth Screen Status Session Name] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------- ----- -------------- ----------- ------------------------------] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [0 Local A82AF2026AF84E92FCDD323775A39C6D -------- Running X0 (Local)] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [0 Local B996EC92C67D1F9280C614A38D5CC5C4 -------- Running X0 (Local)] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 148 Server capacity: not reached for user: .*] with code [148]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[148]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Session initialized with: type='Local' sessionID='A82AF2026AF84E92FCDD323775A39C6D' services='--------' depth='' screenSize='' available='Running' name='X0 (Local)' username='(null)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: Session initialized with: type='Local' sessionID='B996EC92C67D1F9280C614A38D5CC5C4' services='--------' depth='' screenSize='' available='Running' name='X0 (Local)' username='(null)'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:47 2009]: UpdateList sessions number [2]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: Going to attach the session.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: Session name passed to LoginDialog::createStartSessionString is [RDP on AMdR (Local)]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: Parameters passed to NX server [ --link="lan" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="16M" --images="64M" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --session="RDP on AMdR (Local)" --type="shadow" --client="linux" --keyboard="pc102/us"
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: Attaching session with parameters [attachsession --link="lan" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="16M" --images="64M" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --session="RDP on AMdR (Local)" --type="shadow" --client="linux" --keyboard="pc102/us" --id="A82AF2026AF84E92FCDD323775A39C6D" --display="0"
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[253] str=[Requesting user's authorization] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Requesting user's authorization]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: LoginDialog: startProgressTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:48 2009]: Showing progress dialog: Requesting user's authorization
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [attachsession --link="lan" --backingstore="1" --encryption="1" --cache="16M" --images="64M" --shmem="1" --shpix="1" --strict="0" --composite="1" --media="0" --session="RDP on AMdR (Local)" --type="shadow" --client="linux" --keyboard="pc102/us" --id="A82AF2026AF84E92FCDD323775A39C6D" --display="0"] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [/usr/bin/nxserver: line 1447: [: too many arguments] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 1000 NXNODE - Version 3.2.0-74-SVN OS (GPL, using backend: 3.3.0)] with code [1000]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[1000]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 700 Session id: AMdR-Server-1000-0C9C958B9BD9E45B72CD71D5E9C9E822] with code [700]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[700]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Cleaning the all protocol flags
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 705 Session display: 1000] with code [705]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[705]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 703 Session type: shadow] with code [703]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[703]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 701 Proxy cookie: ec799ff2207cb78adfd4dfbf17846b55] with code [701]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[701]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 702 Proxy IP:] with code [702]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[702]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 706 Agent cookie: ec799ff2207cb78adfd4dfbf17846b55] with code [706]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[706]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 704 Session cache: shadow] with code [704]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[704]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 707 SSL tunneling: 1] with code [707]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[707]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 1009 Session status: starting] with code [1009]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[1009]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 710 Session status: running] with code [710]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[710]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: LoginDialog::launchMountOperation
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 1002 Commit] with code [1002]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[1002]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 105 /usr/bin/nxserver: line 1538: 17182 Terminated sleep $AGENT_STARTUP_TIMEOUT] with code [105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[105]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 1006 Session status: running] with code [1006]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[1006]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [bye] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [Bye] with code [-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[-1]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received line from nxssh process [NX> 999 Bye] with code [999]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Received code[999]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: LoginDialog: setEnvironmentForProxy
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[245] str=[Negotiating link parameters] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Negotiating link parameters]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Writing: 'nx/nx,cookie=ec799ff2207cb78adfd4dfbf17846b55,shmem=1,shpix=1,font=1,encryption=1,session=session,id=AMdR-Server-1000-0C9C958B9BD9E45B72CD71D5E9C9E822:1000
' to '/home/andre/.nx/S-AMdR-Server-1000-0C9C958B9BD9E45B72CD71D5E9C9E822/options'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: file='/home/andre/.nx/S-AMdR-Server-1000-0C9C958B9BD9E45B72CD71D5E9C9E822/options'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: Starting nxcomp with options: 'NX> 299 Switch connection to: NX mode: encrypted options: nx/nx,options=/home/andre/.nx/S-AMdR-Server-1000-0C9C958B9BD9E45B72CD71D5E9C9E822/options:1000'.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: NXFileMonitor: opened file: [/home/andre/.nx/S-AMdR-Server-1000-0C9C958B9BD9E45B72CD71D5E9C9E822/session]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: LoginDialog::ShowConnectionStatus code=[247] str=[Established the display connection] error=[0]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: ProgressDialog::printNxStatus: [Established the display connection]
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:51 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:52 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:53 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:54 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: NXFileMonitor::readData
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: slotAgentTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: Agent found closing windows...
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: setting automatic reconnection to true.
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: Settings::flush
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: Settings::flush
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: closeEvent received!
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog::destructor called begin
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: stopAllTimers
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog: stopProgressTimer
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: Utility::getPreferencesFile: 'nxclient' -> '/home/andre/.nx/config/nxclient.cfg'
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: Settings::flush
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: Called destructor for protocol class
[Tue Feb 3 08:35:55 2009]: LoginDialog::destructor called end
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