[FreeNX-kNX] Sponsoring FreeNX/QtNX?

Mario Fux kde-ml at unormal.org
Tue Apr 28 14:29:16 UTC 2009

Am Dienstag, 28. April 2009 schrieb Florian Schmidt:
> Hi,

Morning together

> I think the current problem is that the initiator and primary developer
> Fabian Franz isn't responding to mails on the mailinglist for a longer time
> now, so there is currently no one who is clearly responsible for freenx to
> whom you could make the donation. Maybe it would be a better to support the
> project by donating a new SVN/Git Repo, Webspace a WIKI and maybe a forum
> but this is only my 2 Cents to this topic. I think the whole freenx project
> should decide if they still like to wait for Fabian or if they want to
> start the project on a new space with some more admins and decide a
> development core team and project space maintainers.

Don't missunderstand me. I like, love and heavily use FreeNX, but there is 
another project based on NX which seems very interesting and actively 
with Client for Qt/GTK, Windows, MacOSX and Nokia N800, an LDAP backend, load 
balancing, debian packages, etc. pp.

But unfortunately neither compatible with FreeNX nor with to "old" NX.

> Cheers,
> Florian


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