[FreeNX-kNX] Display when connecting with NX

Daniel Spannbauer ds at marco.de
Tue Apr 7 13:39:23 UTC 2009


is there a Chance to get a "true" Display when I log in with NX?
Normaly the DIsplay with NX is :1000.0 or similar. But I need 
hostname:1000.0 or so. I need the Hostname to do some actions depending 
on the Host from where I connect to.

Any hints?



Daniel Spannbauer                         Software Entwicklung
marco Systemanalyse und Entwicklung GmbH  Tel   +49 8333 9233-27 Fax -11
Rechbergstr. 4 - 6, D 87727 Babenhausen   Mobil +49 171 4033220
http://www.marco.de/                      Email ds at marco.de
Geschäftsführer Martin Reuter             HRB 171775 Amtsgericht München

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