[FreeNX-kNX] Wiki, Docs and Homepage

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Tue May 6 13:49:48 UTC 2008

Hello all,

I got used to berlios, but as their services seem to degrade in quality (wiki not writable) and our homepage is not current anyway, I give out the following "jobs":

- Website manager:

Your task is to manage the FreeNX website possibly with a CMS in background so that changes can be easily done by editors.

- Docs manager:

Your task is to write new docs and look into old docs if they are current. It seems tan is doing that quite well already, but he might need help.

It also seems that classic bugtracking via berlios did not work out.

I also would like to change to git for version control with a central svn repository as master branch, so we can have several branches and I can more easily pull from a tree or get Signed-Off patches that I can easily apply or change.

So any ideas where we can move, where we have a SVN, a very basic bugtracking tool for reporting bugs with ML interface and a Wiki?

Perhaps we could also use a TRAC for HP and Wiki and Bugs and Tickets and leave the rest at berlios for now, while decreasing the amount of services used from berlios.

Is anyone willing to setup something like that for like freenx.org? (We could point to your IP then ...)

I think I am at a good stage for managing a stable version that is changing, but still very stable. Also with RL management of 3 months.

But the overall other things I would like to hear is what you think we can do for managing the docs, HP and Wiki part more lively?

So a very basic plan is:

- Setup trac for wiki and bugs.
- Setup git via github (free).
- Use berlios only for SVN and file releases.

Or you have better ideas? Please tell me!

Best Wishes,


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