[FreeNX-kNX] first contact, FreeNX

Verner Kjærsgaard vk at os-academy.dk
Thu Jul 31 17:48:27 UTC 2008

7th Sign | Iván Rico skrev:
>     it's logging in initially with the user 'nx' - that's what the
>     (pre)configured keys (the 'no-machine keys') are for. That's why you
>     need to make sure that
>     a)
>     you can log into the machine using ssh 
>     b)
>     that the nx keys are in place, allowing nx to login without a password.
>     c) someone on this list will be able to explain that better than I.
>     d) once nx can log in and is logged in, the user is switched to 'frank'.
>     That's the 'no-machine-key' way, not the FreeNX way. That's why you give
>     'nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key --clean --purge' in order to
>     make sure the keys ar in place.
>     Also make sure that the correct ownerships of directories holding the
>     keys are in place. On my server:
>     drwxr-xr-x 4 root users 4096 12 jul 13:20 nxserver/
>     - this may not be entirely correct...perhaps they really should be owned
>     by nx, don't know. But it works..
>     Further down, I have:
>     -rw------- 1 nx root  671 12 jul 13:25 authorized_keys2
>     -rw-r--r-- 1 nx root  668 12 jul 13:20 client.id_dsa.key
>     -rw------- 1 nx root  235 12 jul 13:20 known_hosts
>     Gunnar:/var/lib/nxserver/home/.ssh #
>     - hope this helps!
> Hello again,
> a) I can't log into my server by ssh
> I got this:
> ivan at dementor ~ $ ssh root at <mailto:root at>
> Permission denied (publickey,gssapi-with-mic).
> ivan at dementor ~
> This happens since I change these values to:
> PasswordAuthentication no
> AllowUsers nx root ivan
> on sshd_config
> b) I deleted the pass with, passwd -d nx but I have the same results
> c) :)
> d) I have a few questions about that: Who and How creates these files: 
> authorized_keys2, client.id_dsa.key?
> I dont't have them in /etc/nxserver and I don't know where them are
> ---------------------------------
> 7th Sign | Iván Rico
> ---------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm sorry I don't have time to help you further, the car is packed, 
we're off on holiday :-)

One thing, though. You MUST be able to login via SSH.
First, on the remote machine itself at its console, try this

SSH your_username at localhost

This should absolutely succeed. If not, debug your SSH thing (is it 
listening and so)

If ok, then try the same thing from outside. Login from your local 
machine to the remote machine using SSH 
your_login_name at some-server.something.

This MUST succeed. If not check firewall and more. Hint: on the remote 
machine, as root, do "tail -f /var/log/messages" (end it with ctrl-c). 
This will give you a live log og what's happening.

Then read up on SSH generally. As a normal user, do

ssh-keygen -t dsa

When asked for a pass-phrase, just hit enter.

Now see that a pair of keys are generated, they are placed in


Now copy the -pub key to your home-dir on the remote machine. Put it 
into /home/your_home_dir/.ssh/xxx.pub

Now xfer the contents of that xxx.pub file into the "authorized_keys" 
file, do

cat xxx.pub >> authorized_keys

Now create a symlink in the same .ssh dir, do

ln -s authorized_keys authorized_keys2

This way SSH will work regardless of SSH looking for authorized_keys or 

Make sure the authorized_keys file, is owned by your_user_name and that 
its rights are 600. No more, no less. Make sure that your_user_name is 
allowed to enter the .ssh directory...

Exit from the remote machine.

Now you should be able to login from your local machine to the remote 
machine - without using your password. Do

SSH your_user_name at remote_machine

If you can't, get that fixed first. Then go on to debug/experiment with NX.

- haven't got more time, wish you luck!

Med venlig hilsen/best regards
Verner Kjærsgaard

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