[FreeNX-kNX] Display limit exceeded Error

Freek de Kruijf f.de.kruijf at hetnet.nl
Tue Apr 8 14:32:40 UTC 2008

Carlos Sosa schrieb:
> Formerly Freenx - 0.5.x smooth domestict server, suddenly shows:
> Display limit exceeded Error please remove some files from /tmp/.X*-lock
> Just found this file has one line with 5317 

On the server as root give the command "nxserver --list". This gives you 
something like this:

NX> 100 NXSERVER - Version 1.4.0-44 OS (GPL)
NX> 127 Sessions list:

Display Username        Remote IP       Session ID
------- --------------- --------------- --------------------------------
1001    xxxxx   aa.bb.ccc.dd    5D69D0CEB041B0900E767844629BA728
NX> 999 Bye

Look at the display# above: only 1001. This means there should be only one 
file /tmp/.X1001-lock . The 1001 in this file corresponds with the 1001 in 
the display#.
Any file /tmp/.X*-lock which does not have a corresponding display# in the 
above list should be removed. This makes all these display numbers reusable. 
I suspect you have a lot of these files there, which is why you can't have 
more sessions.
Older versions of FreeNX had this problem of not removing the lock file in 
certain circumstances.


Freek de Kruijf

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