[FreeNX-kNX] strange problem with freenx

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Wed Sep 12 23:13:11 UTC 2007

> I disabled SELinux to test. But the problem persists.


> I added the strace command as you suggested and I attach the output 
> (this is the output with SELinux disabled).

Okay, what I can see is that nxagent sends nxproxy the TERM signal, even though I don't know _why_ it does that.

Can you check if perhaps nxloadconfig --check gives an error regarding COMMAND_GNOME not found? (i.e. like dbus-lauch --exit ...)

If yes, please do edit node.conf and set COMMAND_GNOME back to the default of gnome-session.

This is the favorite problem at the moment, it seems ;-).

Thank you,



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