[FreeNX-kNX] Web browser audio

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Sun Sep 9 20:32:07 UTC 2007

> Greetings,
> I am using FreeNX 0.4.0 with the nomachine 2.1 client and having some
> issues while trying to play any audio from a browser.  It runs on
> ubuntu 6.0 server with KDE desktop.  I enabled ESD sounds and
> multimedia support and the regular sounds work when I login to the
> session and when I click on "test sound". 

Yes, that is good.

> But when I try playing
> anything on amorok or soundboards or youtube video, I only see video
> with no audio on the client. 

To explain. FreeNX uses esd for the sound transport. This means your application has to be either esd capable or wrapped to send all sounds to the network instead of the server.

I propose either running firefox under esddsp or using a ESD compatible backend for, for example amarok.

You can also run the whole session wrapped under esd by specifying the following configuration keys in node.conf:


> Any leads or help will be greatly
> appreciated.  Thank you very much!

If this answer helped you, consider adding it to the FAQ.

> Mandel
> also, where do I donate to this... there should be big buttons or
> something I would figure.

You can donate to the developers personally if you want :).

For the FreeNX server part this would be (mostly) me:

paypal at fabian-franz.de



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