[FreeNX-kNX] Weird behaviour in FreeNX-0.7.0

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Sat Sep 1 04:27:21 UTC 2007

> Hi,
> I have just upgraded to FreeNX-0.7.0/NX-2.1.0  in Opensuse 10.2 from the 
> buildservice repositories, and I'm seeing a really weird behaviour.
> Sometimes the session starts just fine, sometimes it fails with a timeout 
> after the client shows "autentication completed". It seems completely
> random.

Are you using a windows client?

Is there still an old nxssh.exe process running? If so, there is a hacky "solution" posted some months ago.

Besides that from your log I can only say that the remote proxy never connects to the nxagent so it times out.



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