[FreeNX-kNX] NXserver .cfg path

Alastair Johnson alastair at solutiontrax.com
Thu Dec 13 11:39:33 UTC 2007

On Thursday 13 December 2007, Mirco Piccin wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've done a fresh install of FreeNX server using this repository (i report
> here the line added in my /etc/apt/source.list):
> deb http://krnl.nl/freenx/ ./
> I choose that repository because the freenx version is quite recently
> (0.6.0) vs source or rpm version.
> All work perfectly, i connetc with no problem with a NX client 3.0.

Good so far :-)

> I have a question:
> Where i can set nx server params?
> I find out after some googling that the server config file is:
> /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg
> but I've not the /usr/NX directory until i install the NK client.
> And in that folder there is not etc/server.cfg file.
> I have instead /etc/nxserver folder, but also here no server.cfg file -
> only node.conf.

The usual config file for freenx is:
I think /usr/NX/etc/server.cfg would be the location for the config of 
nomachine's nxserver.

> Anyone has similar experience?
> Thanks!

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