[FreeNX-kNX] Bug: negotiating link parameters -> timeout ON resume session. v.0.6.0/2.1.0-17

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Mon Apr 23 16:33:52 UTC 2007

>   I did something a little silly but it works. I feel like I should
> apologize... sorry:


Why apologize?

>   I added this line to the top of the nxserver script:
> pstree -p nx| perl -e '@lines=<STDIN>; foreach $line  (@lines){if
> ($line=~/^sshd\((\d+)\)$/) { kill 9, $1;}}'

Haha, that is a nice hack ;-).

> This line does the pstree, pipe it to perl, which in turn find the
> lines that have this and only this on it 'sshd(number)', and kills the
> processes with that number. The stubborn process gets to live after
> the first suspend, which is not so good, but it gets killed before the
> next resume is done, so it is good enough for that resume to succeed.

That gives me an idea. Try the following - if you want to:

-exec $COMMAND_NETCAT [...]
+kill $PPID # Lets kill our parent sshd process
+           # or kill -9
+exit 0

(Of course the above is just for SSL encrypted sessions).



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