[FreeNX-kNX] Bug: negotiating link parameters -> timeout ON resume session. v.0.6.0/2.1.0-17

torrr com torrr.com at gmail.com
Mon Apr 23 00:42:32 UTC 2007


  I did something a little silly but it works. I feel like I should
apologize... sorry:

  I added this line to the top of the nxserver script:

pstree -p nx| perl -e '@lines=<STDIN>; foreach $line  (@lines){if
($line=~/^sshd\((\d+)\)$/) { kill 9, $1;}}'

This line does the pstree, pipe it to perl, which in turn find the
lines that have this and only this on it 'sshd(number)', and kills the
processes with that number. The stubborn process gets to live after
the first suspend, which is not so good, but it gets killed before the
next resume is done, so it is good enough for that resume to succeed.
I am afraid that this killing of the sshd(number) may interfere with
something ... like if there is a time when such an sshd(number) line
is supposed to be, and then an execution of nxserver at that exact
time would interfere by killing the wrong sshd(number).

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