[FreeNX-kNX] freenx on RHEL3

Tom Kavanaugh tomnaugh at gmail.com
Wed Oct 25 18:46:25 UTC 2006


I am working on setting up GPL version of freenx server, using the following
rpm's on RHEL3

rpm -ivh --nodeps nx-1.5.0-12.el3.at.i386.rpm
rpm -ivh --nodeps freenx-0.4.4-6.el3.at.noarch.rpm

After installing these rpm's I do the following:

nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key --clean --purge

This step fails, I get the following error:

# nxsetup --install --setup-nomachine-key --clean --purge
Removing session database ...done
Removing logfile ...done
Removing configuration files ...done
Setting up /etc/nxserver ...done
Generating public/private dsa key pair.
Your identification has been saved in /etc/nxserver/users.id_dsa.
Your public key has been saved in /etc/nxserver/users.id_dsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
7a:6d:bb:55:29:d7:be:39:d3:b5:b5:84:2a:b1:d2:63 root at server1
Setting up /var/lib/nxserver/db ...done
Setting up /var/log/nxserver.log ...done
Setting up user nx ...useradd: unknown group -d

The nx user account and group account does not get setup.Also I
noticed that the entire dir structure is not installed completely.

Does anyone have this working? If so, how did you get it to work?


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