[FreeNX-kNX] Gnome profiles not applied

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Tue Mar 21 22:23:00 UTC 2006

On Tuesday 21 March 2006 21:03, Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
> Hello Everyone,
> I'm running a CentOS 4 system with all the latest updates.  I've been
> testing out Sabayon to create/manage Gnome profiles.  It works very
> well.
> Yesterday, as part of my testing, I configured a new test user to use
> one of the profiles I had created.  The profile is applied by a script
> in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d when the test user logs in.   Here's the
> script:
> #!/bin/bash
> #
> # Apply the Sabayon profile for the current user (if any)
> #
> if [ "x$DISABLE_SABAYON_XINITRC" = "x" ] ; then
>   if [ -x /usr/sbin/sabayon-apply ] ; then
>     /usr/sbin/sabayon-apply
>   fi
> fi
> This has worked flawlessly when logging in locally, or via XDMCP.
> However, when I try logging in with a user for the first time, the
> Sabayon created profiles are never applied.  I can only assume that the
> above script isn't being run when using NX.
> How can I get the scripts in /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d to run when using
> freenx?

Please have a look at all the settings that are possible for FreeNX
via the node.conf file. (You may not have a node.conf file enabled;
in this case look at the node.conf.sample file for inspiration).

> Regards,
> Ranbir


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