[FreeNX-kNX] about java client

LROUFAIL at nc.rr.com LROUFAIL at nc.rr.com
Wed Aug 9 11:39:12 UTC 2006

----- Original Message -----
From: Alejandro Sánchez Acosta <asanchez at qindel.es>
Date: Wednesday, August 9, 2006 3:40 am
Subject: Re: [FreeNX-kNX] about java client
To: User Support for FreeNX Server and kNX Client <freenx-knx at kde.org>
Cc: User Support for FreeNX Server and kNX Client <freenx-knx at kde.org>

> There is a NX solution named Web companion, a java applet to 
> connect with
> freenx/nx server. The problem it decompress the clients in a temporal
> directory and it runs the client binaries, so it's not a *full* web
> solution.

Nothing is impossible...but a *full* web solution for NX is impossible.

> Also you can use moznx plugin, but I think it works similar than 
> the Web
> companion solution.

That is correct.  The difference is moznx does not use java and it does
not use the closed source nxclient, but it does use nomachine binaries.

> Regards,
> Alejandro.
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