[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX on SUSE9.3 - howto?? SOLVED

Fabian Franz FabianFranz at gmx.de
Sun Jul 10 15:26:20 UTC 2005

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Am Sonntag, 10. Juli 2005 13:42 schrieb Verner Kjærsgaard:
> Søndag 10 juli 2005 13:21 skrev Verner Kjærsgaard:
> Hi list,
> - I finally got it working. I poked into /usr/bin and did a search for nx*
> binaries. And found one called nxsetup. Which I ran.

You could've found this instructions by googling for just 5 minutes ...

> Now, why the @@!!""9]¤"!! (:-)) couldn't I read this in
> the /usr/share/doc/packages/ReadMeSUSE file?? It's just one line, it could
> say:

You are barking up the wrong tree, the file you asked for is there:

$ cat /usr/share/doc/packages/FreeNX/README.SuSE

This documentation is still for FreeNX 0.2.x. There has been made
radical changes between FreeNX 0.2.x and 0.3.x. Therefore it can be
out-of-date, wrong or obsolete meanwhile. Consult the announcement
for 0.3.0 "ANNOUNCE-0.3.0" for changes between 0.2.x and 0.3.x.

Run, as root nxsetup (which also starts nxserver). Please have a look
at the warning. It means that either you need to distribute the
generated private key (/home/.nx//.ssh/id_dsa) to your clients
(e.g. copy it to /usr/share/knx/client.id_dsa.key if you use knx and
protect it accordingly) or do the following to use the standard key of

 rm -f /home/.nx/.ssh/authorized_keys2
 nxsetup --setup-nomachine-key

The latter is also required in case you want to use nxviewer by

Note, that file permission of client.id_dsa.key on the client machines
has to be 644 and file permission of authorized_keys2 on the server
side has to be 640 in order to get things working.

When you have done this, you can run knx (package knx) or nxclient
(get it from http://www.nomachine.com) on your client. Use
"nxserver --stop" to stop nxserver. Try "nxserver --help" for other

As ssh is used, verify that port 22 is open in case you use a

FreeNX is able to use PAM_AUTH (enabled by default), so all users will
be able to login with their normal passwords. Set
"ENABLE_PAM_AUTHENTICATION" to "0" in /usr/bin/nxserver to disable
PAM_AUTH. In this case you need to add your users (again as root),
like "nxserver --adduser " and "nxserver --passwd". The user must
exist in the system database for local users first.

- - suspend/resume currently does not work together with knx; there
  are reports that it works together with the NX Client of NoMachine,
  which you can download from the Nomachine Website



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