[FreeNX-kNX] Can I use real X display in FreeNX?

Gian Filippo Pinzari pinzari at nomachine.com
Mon Aug 29 15:21:32 UTC 2005

Nicholas Lee wrote:
> There a few things you can learn from FreeNX though.

It takes much less for FreeNX to experiment with new features, and
it is much easier to just post a patch in the case of problems,
compared to handling a massive amount of users furious because you
broke something or because what they are supposed to pay for doesn't
work. I'm not sure this is something new I had to learn, though.

There is a huge space for both NoMachine and FreeNX and I'm sure that,
by having different development models and different priorities, they
can please a much bigger audience compared to what NoMachine alone
would be able to do. Probably some of the use-base overlaps, and I'd
be a liar if I were to negate that FreeNX is reducing our income.
Still NX was made to be OSS and I'm happy to see that the many years
and many tears we have spent at breaking our heads on the X-Window
network transparency wall are paying, at last.

/Gian Filippo.


> http://stateless.geek.nz/2005/08/29/sun-rays-the-ideal-desktop-hardware-nx-vs-srss/

Good points ;-).

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