[FreeNX-kNX] Can I use real X display in FreeNX?

Nicholas Lee emptysands at gmail.com
Mon Aug 29 10:59:12 UTC 2005

On 8/29/05, Gian Filippo Pinzari <pinzari at nomachine.com> wrote:
> Well, I'm not sure we can consider a fair deal to have FreeNX just reimple-
> menting what we sell and leaving all the work on the GPL core to NoMachine.

There a few things you can learn from FreeNX though.  

At the moment I'm trying out the 1.5 Nomachine's server. It was a PITA
to install in Ubuntu. FreeNX is pretty simple to install.  Plus I
can't hack the binary nxnodes and add STARTX="ssh-agent

FreeNX has a different target market than Nomachine's.  I doubt very
much you'll see 50+ desktops running on FreeNX.

Even for me working on developing a Xen based NX server for 10 users,
I could probably support FreeNX myself but its quite likely I'll get a
commercial server. Not just for the support, but to provide the
support to the company developing that software.

I'd say its hard to get OSS developers with X skills focused on
developing the NX core at the moment.  X coding probably isn't much
fun, while running bash scripts to manage the NX protocols is pretty

GPL NX gets you big mindshare though.  My blog pretty much shouts NX
as the best TC solution.  If it wasn't for NX being GPL and thus
(hardware) vendor neutral, I might be thinking hard about SRSS at the

Nicholas Lee
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