[FreeNX-kNX] how to direct the NX client through an HTTP proxy?

Gian Filippo Pinzari pinzari at nomachine.com
Sat Aug 27 11:18:07 UTC 2005

Thorsten Sandfuchs wrote:
> No, nomachine uses a snapshot of the development-branch and added some
> features - one of them: ignorance of ~/.ssh/config, although, you can download
> this under the name "nxssh" on http://www.nomachine.com/sources.php and patch
> it back and replace your nxssh-version. 

This has been explained multiple times. Reading the SSH configuration
files is disabled in nxssh to avoid that the settings in the configu-
ration files would interfere with the intended behaviour of nxclient.
The default config files shipped by different distributions can vary
and users may also have changed things in ways that also prevent the
normal ssh logins to work. We had to deal multiple times with similar
problems and we found the experience very frustrating. Given that
people are supposed to use ssh to run a ssh session and nxssh to run
a NX session, we indeed consider this a feature.

/Gian Filippo.

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