[FreeNX-kNX] how to direct the NX client through an HTTP proxy?

Kirk Wurffell wurfster at gmail.com
Sat Aug 27 02:37:56 UTC 2005

Quick question for any NX guru...
 How do I configure the NX client to use an HTTP proxy? OpenSSH provides 
this command, "-o ProxyCommand" in the client ssh_confg file for this 
purpose and it works great? I've tried making this option a global parameter 
for OpenSSH but NX still doesn't work. Doesn't the NX client use the OpenSSH 
  My client machine is behind a proxy/firewall and I'm only allowed to reach 
the outside world through this proxy and a specific port. As far as I can 
tell, I can channel the NX client through a single port with SSL tunneling, 
but I can't direct the client to use a proxy.
 any help would be appreciated.
 thanks in advance,
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