[FreeNX-kNX] Mozilla browser not compatible? with 1.5.0 client and FreeNX 0.4.4 RC1

Jonathan Chen (jonachen) jonachen at cisco.com
Thu Aug 11 17:25:47 UTC 2005

Has anyone had trouble starting Mozilla browser 1.7.11 using NX Client
For Windows 1.5.0 with FreeNX 0.4.4 RC1?

With 1.4.0 client, I have no trouble starting Mozilla(Also when I
installed mozilla 1.7.11).   Then when I switched to the 1.5.0 client, I
can not get mozilla to start.   The 1.5.0 client can start mozilla 1.6
but not 1.7.11.

When I try to run mozilla with "./mozilla,"  I get the message below...

"./run-mozilla.sh: line 451: 29993 Segmentation fault      "$prog"

Any idea of what else I can try to find the source of the problem?


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