[FreeNX-kNX] win2k->linux nx printing issues (may be a samba issue)

Raul Carolus rcarolus at lightyeardt.com
Wed Aug 3 14:02:59 UTC 2005

Hi All,

The nx session -> windows shared printer saga continues.  I have my NX 
test server back up and connecting again.  The sessions are faster than 
ever, however it's the printing that I really need to work.

I'm runing freenx v 0.4.3-0a1 and nxlibs

The file share that I have mounts up just fine, however the printer does 
not.  Here's what happens:

I don't get the printer model select dialog.  in the nxnode method of 
cmd_node_addprinter, there's the line that call nxclient to pop a list 
of printer models to choose from (I saw this on the old test install). 
However, this returns "cancel: aborted" without ever displaying 
anything.  I traced this part a little further and there appears to be 
some regular expression issues with awk inside the nxprint script that 
queries /usr/share/cups/model.  I didn't explore this much further.

When my session came up, I opened the cups administration window and 
added the printer that way, using the same syntax that's passed to 
lpadmin inside the nxnode script.  I add it just fine, however when I go 
to print, I get the error: Connection failed with error 

This is a samba error that apparently shouldn't happen, as I've scoured 
the web and have found only a handful of posts about it and none with a 
good resolution.

When I drop to a terminal on my session and use the command:

~$ net rpc printer -Ilocalhost -U<user> -p4000

I get a password prompt.  entering my password I get my shared printer 
returned.  So I can get connected this way.

Has anyone had luck printing to a win2k shared printer?

Raul Carolus
Lightyear Dealer Technologies
800-499-1914 x119
rcarolus at lightyeardt.com

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