[FreeNX-kNX] FreeNX 0.4.4-RC1

Bruno Delbono Bruno.S.Delbono at mail.ac
Wed Aug 3 04:45:56 UTC 2005

Sunil wrote:

> of course we can modify nxloadconfig with a uname
> switch for solaris, but I think thats ugly. bash -l is
> clean a solution if it doesn't have any other issues
> (I can't think of any actually, security maybe?).

So you want to have nxnode to include #!/bin/bash -l ? If so, I don't 
like it personally. And you are right, its because of security problems.

 From info bash:

      When bash is invoked as an interactive login shell, or as  a
      non-interactive  shell  with  the  --login  option, it first
      reads and executes commands from the file  /etc/profile,  if
      that  file  exists.   After  reading that file, it looks for
      ~/.bash_profile,  ~/.bash_login,  and  ~/.profile,  in  that
      order,  and  reads  and executes commands from the first one
      that exists and is readable.  The --noprofile option may  be
      used when the shell is started to inhibit this behavior.

IMHO, this is too risky. Not to mention, Solaris also has it's own 
binaries such as ls vs. gls, gmd5sum etc.

My two cents.


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