[FreeNX-kNX] Updated Red Hat RPMs from Rick Stout

Doug Burks mubley at gmail.com
Thu Sep 30 17:59:57 UTC 2004

Rick Stout has updated his Red Hat RPMs to make installation even
easier.  Thanks again, Rick!

# HOWTO Build an NX Server Using Tao Linux
# There's probably a better way of doing all this,
# but this procedure works for me.
# Doug Burks
# Last updated: 2004/09/30
# (see CHANGELOG at the end of this file)

# Tao Linux is a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3
# and is available at http://www.taolinux.org.
# Since Tao Linux is a clone of RHEL3, this procedure
# should work fairly well for other clones of RHEL3
# such as CentOS and White Box Enterprise Linux.
# This procedure has also been tested on 
# Fedora and Red Hat 9.0.

# Install OS
# -Perform any installation that includes Gnome or KDE
# -Enable firewall, but allow SSH to pass through
# -Installation completes, machine reboots

# Import RPM GPG key so we can do yum update
# This command will be different for different
# distributions (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora, etc.)
rpm --import /usr/share/doc/tao-release-1.0/RPM-GPG-KEY-tao

# Load OS updates (takes a long time)
# -necessary for a production box on the Internet
# -not necessary if only testing on a LAN
#yum update

# Install expect, if not already installed
yum install expect

# Download NX RPMs
wget http://fedoranews.org/contributors/rick_stout/freenx/FreeNX-0.2.4-0.fdr.2.noarch.rpm
wget http://fedoranews.org/contributors/rick_stout/freenx/NX-1.4.0-0.fdr.1.i386.rpm

# Install RPMs
rpm -Uvh *NX*.rpm

# Perform one-time nxsetup
# Pay attention to the message that is displayed
# about distributing client.id_dsa.key
# to your end-users.

# Create users and set passwords
# (Repeat for user2, user3, etc.)
adduser user1
passwd user1

# We don't need to add users to NX itself since we're 
# using the default of PAM security.
# But if you change the default and have nxserver
# do its own account management, you'll need to:
# nxserver --adduser user1
# nxserver --passwd user1
# and repeat for user2, user3, etc.

# OPTIONAL - For a little extra security, add
# the AllowUsers directive to /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
# AllowUsers nx user1 user2 user3
# Include 'nx' account and any real users.
# You probably DON'T want to include root.
echo "AllowUsers nx user1" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
service sshd restart

# Now that you have the FreeNX server installed and
# running, it is time to test it.
# On a separate PC, download and install an NX client
# from http://www.nomachine.com.
# Then copy client.id_dsa.key from the server to
# the client's NX share directory.
# Linux:  /usr/NX/share/
# Windows:  C:\Program Files\NX Client for Windows\share\
# Create a new NX session and see if you can connect!

# FreeNX on Fedora:
# http://fedoranews.org/contributors/rick_stout/freenx/
# FreeNX Server (and client) on Knoppix 3.6 Live CD:
# http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=12818
# FreeNX on K12LTSP:
# http://ltsp.criticalcontrol.com/freenx.html
# NoMachine (commercial version of FreeNX) documentation:
# http://nomachine.com/resources.php
# http://nomachine.com/developers.php
# PXES Universal Linux Thin Client (includes NX client):
# http://pxes.sourceforge.net/
# http://pxes.sourceforge.net/howtos/PXES-NX_client.pdf

# Many Thanks go to:
# Gian Filippo Pinzari and the rest of the NoMachine team
# for developing NX in the first place.
# Fabian Franz and Kurt Pfeifle
# for developing (and evangelizing) FreeNX.
# Stefan Dirsch
# for developing the SUSE NX RPMs.
# Rick Stout
# for testing this procedure on Fedora Core 2,
# producing the native Red Hat NX RPMs, and 
# patching the RPMs to remove steps from this procedure.
# Dave Puchyr
# for testing this procedure on Red Hat 9.0.

# 2004/09/30
# Version 1.4
# -Removed "mkdir -m 700" line.
# -Removed "chmod 640" line.
# -Both of these were removed due to Rick Stout's
#  new versions of his RPMs.  Thanks again, Rick!
# 2004/09/30
# Version 1.3
# -Updated procedure to reflect the release of native
#  Red Hat RPMs.  Thanks go to Rick Stout for his
#  hard work on this!
# 2004/09/29
# Version 1.2
# -Added COMPATIBILITY section.
# -Added TESTING section.
# -Added CREDITS section.
# -Added LINKS section.
# 2004/09/28
# Version 1.1
# -Added compatibility info for other RHEL clones.
# -Removed SUSE netcat RPM installation.
# -Changed URL for SUSE NX RPM.
# -Added "Fix permissions on authorized_keys2".
# 2004/09/20
# Version 1.0
# -Initial version.

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