[FreeNX-kNX] Re: got: "cannot create directory `/home/.nx'"

Jean-Eric Cuendet jec at rptec.ch
Tue Oct 19 16:47:38 UTC 2004

> No, you are not lost. If you are connecting to multiple companies, you 
> can explain that you are security conscious, and you want them to add 
> your id_dsa.pub to the authorized_keys2 file.  That file can contain 
> *MANY* keys, although after more than say 10 or so, the logons would get 
> horrendous.

I find NX very interesting. It's incredibly fast, simple to install, etc...
But this key thing seems too bad. What if you would have a public NX 
server? You must add to the authorized_keys file everyone that would 
like to connect? Forget it...
It's like if you ask every sysadmin to where you would like to connect 
with SSH to add your key to the authorized_keys of a machine user.
The best IMO is to have only one key (let the user choose) that is "not 
secured", but then secure the NX server like SSH is secured.
This way you'll avoid this key mess...

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