[FreeNX-kNX] Screen Resolution

Kurt Pfeifle kpfeifle at danka.de
Fri Oct 8 15:29:01 UTC 2004

Chris Fanning wrote:
> Hi,
> I have two Debians with freeNX installed on them both.
> When using nx, the screen resolution on one of them is quite
> acceptable. Something like 1024x768.
> But on the other host, I've got a miserable 600x400, or something similar.
> Any clues?

Which versions of NX libraries, FreeNX server and NX client
are you using?

Which settings do you use in your session config files?

(Note, that kNX as an NX client still is very rough and
hasnt seen much work for the last few weeks. It still cannot
store its own session configs under all circumstances. But
it can read (not change) the session configs created by
NoMachine NX Client. So if you have your one session saved
when using NoMachine NX client with 600x400, this is what
you get when you run kNX for a client. -- Session configs
are normally stored under

    $HOME/.nx/config/<name of your session.conf

so you may be able to edit the 600x400 setting away.)

> Chris.


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