D14513: Add QML Extensions API

David Rosca noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Aug 11 16:45:43 BST 2018

drosca added inline comments.


> qmlkeyevent.cpp:25
> +{
> +    QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(this, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership);
> +}

You already call `newQObject` on all events,  which makes them JavaScriptOwnership, so it isn't needed here.

> qmlextensionscheme.cpp:31
> +        QmlWebEngineUrlRequestJob *request = new QmlWebEngineUrlRequestJob(job);
> +        emit requestStarted(qmlEngine(this)->newQObject(request));
> +    });

You can still use the QmlWebEngineUrlRequestJob pointer in signal, not QJSValue.

> qmlfileutils.cpp:37
> +    }
> +    const QUrl resolvedUrl = QUrl::fromLocalFile(path).resolved(QUrl::fromEncoded(filePath.toUtf8()));
> +    const QString resolvedPath = resolvedUrl.toLocalFile();

Why does it use QUrl?

You can just do path + / + filePath and then QDir::cleanPath.

> anmolgautam wrote in qmli18n.cpp:26
> > If locale is an empty string, "", each part of the locale that should be modified is  set according  to  the environment variables.

And is that really needed?
I'd like to see explicitly choosing which language to load here.

  R875 Falkon


To: anmolgautam, drosca
Cc: falkon, herrold, anmolgautam, SGOrava, iodelay, spoorun, ptabis, navarromorales, cochise, clivej, ach
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