Plasma5 user sessions

Roman Gilg subdiff at
Mon Jan 15 22:52:27 UTC 2018

Hi Max,

if you're using Plasma 5.11, then you don't need to look into the
 "plasma-workspace/startkde/waitforname" folder, because 5.11 has it. So
the notifications should be delayed on your system already. But of course
you can still take a look and check the patch out, which added it [1],
because maybe you find a clue why it doesn't work in your setup.

There is also the folder "$HOME/.config/plasma-workspace/env", whose
scripts gets executed as well on session start, but late in the process to
my knowledge. So it might be an idea to put your notification script there.

Regarding the logout/shutdown: we are talking about a single desktop PC
with multiple users being logged in at the same time and one of them in his
currenctly active session requests a shutdown, right? The user also has the
right to shutdown while other users are logged in, right? First you didn't
specify where you hook into at the moment to execute your logout tasks.
logind provides the D-Bus signal PrepareForShutdown, so maybe try to hook
into this if you don't do it already. Also two years ago there was a change
to systemd's behavior in killing processes directly [2], so maybe try to
reverse this behavior with the respective flag. I assume a properly
configured system should have no problem with this though.

Also consider using systemd user services instead of putting scripts in "
/etc/X11/Xsession.d" [3].



On Mon, Jan 15, 2018 at 5:58 PM, Max Harmathy <max.harmathy at>

> Am 15.01.2018 15:29, schrieb David Edmundson:
>>     org.freedesktop.Notifications. However on our development release
>> those
>>     messages get displayed as windows instead of the usual bubbles. It
>> seems
>>     that the notification handling is not ready when the autostarts are
>> running.
>> There is a fix for this in Plasma 5.10 onwards.
>> Or you can backport the "plasma-workspace/startkde/waitforname"  folder
>> Make sure any Dbus calls are sent asyncronously, otherwise you'll block
>> your startup.
> Thank you David for your quick reply!
> We are currently using plasma 5.11 from bionic (Ubuntu 18.04).
> I will have a look into "plasma-workspace/startkde/waitforname".
> As for the logind problem: I can reproduce this with a current kde-neon:
> * log in with two local users
> * one user logs out by selecting "Reboot"
> * both sessions get killed instantly
> --
> Max Harmathy
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