Plasma5 user sessions

Max Harmathy max.harmathy at
Mon Jan 15 16:58:43 UTC 2018

Am 15.01.2018 15:29, schrieb David Edmundson:
>     org.freedesktop.Notifications. However on our development release those
>     messages get displayed as windows instead of the usual bubbles. It seems
>     that the notification handling is not ready when the autostarts are running.
> There is a fix for this in Plasma 5.10 onwards.
> Or you can backport the "plasma-workspace/startkde/waitforname"  folder
> Make sure any Dbus calls are sent asyncronously, otherwise you'll block your startup.

Thank you David for your quick reply!

We are currently using plasma 5.11 from bionic (Ubuntu 18.04).
I will have a look into "plasma-workspace/startkde/waitforname".

As for the logind problem: I can reproduce this with a current kde-neon:
* log in with two local users
* one user logs out by selecting "Reboot"
* both sessions get killed instantly

Max Harmathy
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